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Match play final games

FIMBA XI Maxi Basketball European Championship, Malaga

Match 3 – GB v Germany

Third match – lost, down by 20 at half time but played better in the 3rd and 4th quarter, got back to within 14 but couldn’t get any closer, battled to the end, showed true grit.
Score: L66-44

Photo of GB team ready for match against Germany
Photo of GB and German teams

Match 4 – GB v Hungary

Fourth game – lost but the closest we came to a victory, down by 5 at half time, lost by seven in the end.
Score: L52 45

Photo of GB and Hungarian teams
Photo of the match play of GB v Hungary

FINAL GAME – small pre match v GB

Our final game – lost the final game to our other GB representatives, well beaten, we had a few injuries, enjoyed the whole experience, it was an honour to represent GB. Fantastic trip but humbling at the same time, we came up against some very stiff opposition, the best each country had to offer, we lost to the eventual gold winners and bronze medalist on the way, at least we know where we need to be come the next Euros in 2024 in Italy and the work that has to be done to compete better next time.
Score: L69:46

Photo of GB teams
Animated gif of photos of the last match - GB v GB